Friday, May 12, 2006

The End of Hillside

Hillside is over...for this year at least. It's kind of hard to believe. The beginning of the school year doesn't seem that long ago. I feel a bit sad, and happy. I'm happy to be done with the school work, especially Contemporary Lit. but I will miss interacting every week with my friends and teachers. It's weird, as a homeschooler, to feel these things, because it used to just be me, my siblings, and mom everyday. But I guess I've just gotten used to having classes and homework. Hmmm. I wonder if this is what public schooled kids feel like at the end of the school year.

We had the end of the year project day for Hillside on Wednesday. That was a long day. It was a at a different church too, because ECF doesn't have enough room for all the kids and their families. Mrs. H, the adminstrator, got lost on the way there, so we started a bit late. Because she was late, we couldn't practice our Spanish skits, so they were kind of sper-of-the-moment things, but I think they went pretty well. For Literature we did a mock "Family Feud" while playing character from the different books we read. It was fun.

I'm looking forward to this summer. In the end of June my sister, older brother, and mom are going to Co to help with the BTC (Bike Tour of Colorado). We'll be working for a company that sets up/tears down tents at each different location for the bikers. It's a great way to make money and see beautiful Colorado as well. Then, later in July, Beth and I are going to Mexico with YWAM. I'm really looking forward to that too.

Well, this has been a long post. I best be going.
May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all, my friends. (Gal 6:18)

1 comment:

Jason said...

Hey I havent talked to you in a long time so I thought I would say