Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Hello all...

...I figured I should post something since I haven't in a while. Sorry 'bout that. Since CR I've worked a week, went to my Grandma's a week, and then went at the gym the beginning of this week. Last weekend my youth group had a lock-in at our church. The leaders weren't totally sure about it all, but everything went great. I think so anyway. First we had a community movie outside, then played hide n' seek in the dark inside (lot's of fun). After that we had a couple of Mr. Page's games, that's alway scary. But actually, they were pretty food involved this time. Around three we watched Transformations II. It's a movie about area's around the world where God is transforming communities and nations. I wasn't too thrilled about that at first because I had seen it many times before, and I wasn't sure what everyone would think of it. But it was all good. Afterwords we had an AWESOME time of prayer. We prayed for local schools, and then shared with each other how we were doing spiritually. Then we prayed for each others needs. It was sweet.
At around 6:30 am we took a walk along one of the busiest street in town, and saw about three cars total. It was so cool because no one was around. Unfortunately we missed the sunrise, but we still had a good walk. I fell asleep for about 15 minutes before breakfeast. Church was fun. At least I didn't dose off any. :)
Tonight we had a house church meeting at our house. My dad leads it. It was cool, because one of the people who was a new christian had questions about the difference between being born again and just saying you were a christian. We read John 3 and had a good discussion. Somehow after that we got onto the subject of obedience. My dad talked about how Noah built the Ark for more than 100 years before the flood. He said the way Noah was able to keep on through all the torments, distractions, and doubts was that Noah took it one day at a time. Well, anyway, the meeting was great. Here are some notes I took during it:
Obedience is one step at a time. Run toward God and if you fall, don't stay there. Get back up on the path and keep running. Satan makes us want to stay in the pit of shame and condemnation. God says there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus.
I realy like what we talked about because I've been struggling with obedience. I would sin and then get stuck in a rut and keep doing it over again. I'd give up after one fall. But like dad step at a time. So now I know to repent, get back up, and run full force at God without looking back. And to remember to rely on His strength instead of my own. So...yeah, God is awesome. 'Nough said.
I'm not really sorry for the sermon, I had to get some stuff out. Love to you all,


CDL Gal 54 said...

wow, that's nifty stuff! i think it's cool that you can write stuff out to deal with it. and yeah i'd definitely have to agree with you that it's really hard to to get out of a rut like that unless you keep pressing on and into God. God bless...

Ben (discipleofElyon) said...

FINALY! you posted. j/k. ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey Rea,
I'm glad to hear some one else is learning the same things as me, it's encouraging. Yes, the rut can feel comfortable, you feel as though you don't want to move from it. The hardest thing to do is go against your will and crawl out of that rut. But once your out, you truly live for God.
The lessons God the Father teaches us are amazing!

Jason said...

That is cool that you guys played hide and seek during youth group, I remember one time we played dodgeball against the youth group of another town that was fun. Well that is awesome that you are out of your rut, God can do some really amazing things.

[ brooke ] said...

Lock-ins are always fun, and yours sounded like a blast. Always seek Him.