Tomorrow my family is going away for a camping trip. Yay! I can't wait. We were hoping to maybe leave today but that didn't work out. So we're leaving first thing tomorrow, too early for summer, but it's worth it. We're going to the place where John Brown was caught and hung. A little civil war trivia for you...can you guess where? Anyway, I will have a good long post for ya'll when I get back, so until then...too-tulu.
ps. seriously, any guesses to where we're going? I give you a clue, it's on the east coast, its name starts with an "H", and it's where the potomac other river join. Anybody??
ooh ooh! i know where u went, but i guess that could be construed as cheating and i'd get slapped on the i don't think i'll say anything lol. i hope we can get together soon and stay up really late :) keep ranting...
I looked for maps and researched and I still couldn't find the answer to that question. Hope your family had a blast.
lol, I'll let the cat out of the bag, we went to oops, can't tell, my fingers won't let me. But it is where: Stonewall Jackson had his first big victory, John Brown was hung, the Patomac and Shanandoah Rivers meet, and it is where MD, VA, and WV are all touching.
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